
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening

Oct 8, 2010

Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening

On Wednesday 13th October, all Year 11 parents / carers and pupils are invited to a Raising Achievement Evening. We would like to talk to you about how to support your daughter during Year 11, and what we are doing to help every pupil achieve.

Mr Alderman, Mrs Lauckner and Miss Bayton will talk about what to expect while your daughter is in Year 11, from understanding targets and reports to planning for effective revision, coping with stress and where to find help. There will also be the opportunity to speak to our Senior Leadership Team and Curriculum Leaders after the talks, over a cup of tea or coffee.

Due to numbers, we are running two sessions:

11 Campion, De Porres + Gabriel: talk 6pm - 6.30pm, refreshments 6.30pm - 7pm.
11 Kolbe, Michael, Raphael + Siena : talk 7pm - 7.30 pm, refreshments 7.30pm - 8pm.

We encourage you to join us on Wednesday and to bring your daughter with you. Please contact school reception to confirm whether you will attend.