
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Year 9 STEM Taster Day

Jan 13, 2017

Year 9 STEM Taster Day

A group of Year 9 pupils visited the University of Liverpool to take part in a STEM taster day. The pupils participated in a variety of workshops linked to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Their first workshop was based around Bionic Engineering. The pupils had to calculate the correct volumes of materials needed to make and mould a ball and socket joint for a hip replacement. The pupils then made their hip replacement moulds in their groups, and tested them on mini hip replicas. The overall results were good with all groups making hip replacements that produced the same leg length when tested.

The pupils then spent an hour star gazing in a fantastic inflatable planetarium. They travelled through space and time learning about interesting stars, constellations, nebulas, planets and galaxies. They were then treated to a display of the Aurora Borealis to finish off the session.

The third workshop saw the girls compete against each other in a Dangerous Dragon Maths Quiz. The pupils were split into small teams and had to complete a number of Mathematical problems, each getting more difficult. Well done to Amber, Molly and Sophie who achieved a winning score of 180!

The final workshop of the day was for the pupils to research the jobs of TV characters who work in a STEM field. The pupils had to think about the path that these people would have taken from Year 9 to get to their respective careers. The activity allowed the girls to think about their own career paths and showed them what Universities have to offer and how they can get there.

A thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all!