
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Sunshine On Sports Day!

Jul 20, 2016

Sunshine On Sports Day!

Despite some bleak looking forecasts we enjoyed a glorious Summer day at Wavertree Athletics Centre for our school sports day.

Students from Performing Arts gave us a great start to the day with a song and high energy dance, which you can see on the video, before the traditional parade of flags.

Events including shot put, javelin, and 100m sprints sat alongside less conventional activities such as welly throwing, hula hooping and obstacle courses with points up for all of them, apart from the savagely contested staff tug-of-war, with victory going to the dedicated (and considerably larger!) ladies team.

In the end it was Arrowsmith who prevailed, but with such a lot of fun had we were all winners. An extra special cheer goes to our hard working 1804 society who ran cake stalls, raffles and face painting and managed to raise well over £200 from our generous students for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Thanks to everyone who played their part in making such a memorable day.