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Magical Trip For Year 7 Students

Jun 23, 2016

Magical Trip For Year 7 Students

On Tuesday, a group of intrepid year 7s set off on an adventure to the Harry Potter Studios in Watford. It was magical!

The studio tour gives a real insight into how the world of Hogwarts, with all its wizards, muggles and weird and wonderful creatures, was created. Students got a chance to see the actual sets the films were made on, have a go at green-screen broomstick flying and wand waving and even a taste of the legendary Honeydukes delicacy, butterbeer. Both staff and students were left open-mouthed at the creativity and technical wizardry on display.

After that, it was off for an evening meal and some competitive ten pin bowling.

On Wednesday morning we were up bright & early for a tour of London's most iconic sights. The weather was a bit overcast and the traffic was extremely heavy, but we managed to take in Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye, Downing Street, Horseguards' Parade, the Cenotaph, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus & the theatre district of Shaftesbury Avenue to name but a few. A walk through Hyde Park allowed us to see the Horse Guards on a practice ride. Then it was lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and finally, home!

We didn't manage to see the Queen, as she and Prince Philip were actually visiting Liverpool. Still, we had a good nose in at Buckingham Palace!

Our students' behaviour was complimented by a number of the staff they came into contact with over the two days. All in all, a very successful trip.