
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Whole School Letter

Apr 20, 2016

20 April 2016

Dear Parents/Carers

You may be aware that the building of a new school for St Julie’s is now well underway.  In the Spring break holiday our building contractors, KIER Construction, came on site and have fenced off a small portion of the field next to the school that will enable the new school to be built.  At this time, the Sports Hall and Fitness Room and some offices have already been demolished to make way for the new Sports and Performing Arts facilities.  However, we still have access to the school’s Gymnasium, Tennis courts, and Woolton Hill field.

There is a lot of work being undertaken on the school’s own front field to facilitate drainage from the new building.  As such, it is not possible to allow parents/carers to drive on to the site at any time.  There is no visitor parking available at all on site.  I would like to reassure you that there are rigorous and stringent health and safety procedures in operation during the construction of the new school.  Contractors’ vehicles and lorries will not be allowed to enter or leave St Julie’s site between 8.00 am and 9.00 am and from 3.00 pm to 3.45 pm each day.  This is to ensure that students and staff can access and leave the school quickly and safely.  

Between 18 April 2016 and 27 May 2016 the pedestrian entrance from Speke Road will remain closed.  All students and pedestrian visitors to the site must only enter through the pedestrian gate on Woolton Street.  No student, staff or visitor should attempt to enter the site using the road access.  At the beginning and end of each day there will be a security guard posted at the main vehicle entrance to ensure that all of the above health and safety procedures are adhered to. 

Within St Julie’s site very little has changed, and life goes on as normal for all the students.  I have regularly visited classrooms over the last few days to check noise levels from the demolition of the Sports Hall and other buildings and have spoken to staff and students.  I can confirm that there has been no disruption to the learning and teaching in classrooms, even those adjacent to the demolition sites.  KIER Construction are fully aware that the school is in operation and the need to keep noise levels low.  As such, staff and students have commented that the level of noise from the demolition is no more than that they can hear from the roads nearby.

We are currently preparing students in Years 11 – 13 for their public examinations.  These will be conducted in venues placed away from the construction site and will include the Chapel, Dorothy Stang Drama Theatre and Gymnasium. 

It was pleasing to see very large numbers of students attending revision classes over the Spring break and I would like to thank all parents/carers for supporting their children at this time by encouraging them to attend revisions sessions, and the staff for giving up their time to ensure that the students are prepared well for their forthcoming public exams. 

Finally, I wish to point out a couple of important notices:

-          Firstly, school will be closed to students on Friday 29 April 2016 for an In-Service Training day for staff. 

-          Secondly, can all parents/carers be aware that with effect from Monday 18 April 2016 the school office closes at 4.30 pm each day, Monday to Friday.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and please be assured that I will continue to update parents/carers as and when necessary regarding the new build and other important matters.

Kind regards.


Yours faithfully


Mr T Alderman