
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Older notices are available in the parent section.

It's the End of the Year!

Jul 21, 2015

It's the End of the Year!

We've had a great atmosphere at school today as we've marked the last day of a very successful year!

Our day started with a series of Year Group assemblies in which students reflected on all of their achievements this year and said some thank-yous to members of staff.

After that we enjoyed some entertainment in a party atmosphere as some of our talented performers gave an outdoor show for everyone to enjoy.

Thank you to the parents and guardians of all of our students for the support that you have shown to your children in ensuring that they get the very best from their education at St. Julie's.

School re-opens on 1st September with a staff INSET day, with Year 7, 12 and 13 returning on the 2nd September and all students being in school on the 3rd September.