
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Celebration Time for Year 11

Jul 1, 2015

Celebration Time for Year 11

Last week we enjoyed a wonderful celebration of all that your Year 11 students have achieved so far. 

As our very last Year 8 student mock exam finished site staff moved fast to transform our Sports Hall from an examination room into a celebration room!

As our Year 11 students arriving we were straight into the robing process, where students got to don a ceremonial gown and stole and pose for a photo.

Students then gathered in the main hall while invited parents and guests made their way up from the Dining Room.

With the audience in place the celebration began, featuring prayer, reflection, entertainment from our school choir and an inspiring talk from our special guest speaker Mrs Ryding, Headteacher of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School in Hindley Green and former Notre Dame student.

With the celebration in the hall complete, we then enjoyed tea and cakes in the dining rooms and a fabulous barbecue prepared by our Parents and Friends Association.

We've lots of thank yous to make, including to all the staff who worked hard in preparation, members of our PFA, Governors, parents and guests and not least our hard working Year 11 students! We're looking forward to welcoming them back in September as their journey at St. Julie's continues.