
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Drama Students Join Everyman Workshop

Apr 2, 2015

Drama Students Join Everyman Workshop

A group of Pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9 have taken part in 3 hours of workshops at the Everyman Theatre as part of an upcoming project called 'Work Bard Play Bard' which based on the current production 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' which is playing at the Everyman Theatre.

The workshops were taught by some of the Actors and assistant directors of the show and were focused on improvisation and clowning which the pupils will use to put towards a joint-school production. The production has been split between the schools taking part and each school has been given a specific theme taken from the text to do whatever they want creatively with it. St Julie's has recieved the theme 'A Love Quadrangle'.

An extra bonus of the day was the opportunity for the pupil's to have tea with the director of the show Nick Bagnall.

The pupils will be working hard on their part of the production which will take place on the 9th July.