
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Oxbridge workshop inspires students!

Jan 23, 2015

Oxbridge workshop inspires students!

St. Julie's were delighted to host another successful Oxbridge workshop. A range of schools from across the North West attended the event, which enabled a number of students to listen to first hand information about the application process for Oxford and Cambridge. The session was delivered by Oxford and Cambridge graduates, Lucy and Maddy, who provided an insight into the range of courses available, entry requirements and most importantly to dispel some myths about the universities. Students listened intently during the two hour session and left the workshop with a wealth of information regarding personal statements, work experience and planning for the UCAS process.

With an increasing number of students from St. Julie's attending Russell Group universities, this was an invaluable experience and one which will help them to make some very important decisions about their future. We look forward to welcoming Maddy and Lucy back later on in the year to support the Year 11 to 12 transition programme.