
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Dec 19, 2014

Merry Christmas Everybody!

We've reached the end of a hugely successful term, and celebrated that with a fun day of song and Christmas spirit.

Our sixth form students started the festivities with some Christmas bingo. It seems they didn't want to let Years 7 and 8 have all the fun, so enjoyed their own Bingo event raising well over £200 for charity.

We were also delighted to this week receive a thank you letter from Marie Curie thanking us for all of our hard work fundraising through the summer with tea parties.

Later in they day our talented staff and student singers and musicians have staged a series of lively (but cold!) outdoor singing sessions. Fortunately the enthusiastic singing is keeping everybody warm!

The day finished off a brief but wonderful whole school singalong around the Christmas tree. 

To finally remind us again of the reason for Christmas, the last photo in our slideshow shows a painting created by Imogen in Year 9 as part of her religous studies on Iconography.

Thank you all to all of our parents and carers for your continued support of all that we achieve together as a school, and we wish you all a happy and peaceful break.