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Letter to parents 27/8/14

Aug 28, 2014

27 August 2014


Dear Parents/Carers

I am hoping that you have all had an enjoyable summer break with your children. 

As we approach the start of a new term I would like to inform you of another set of fantastic exam results for students at St Julie’s Catholic High School. 

On 14 August 2014 students celebrated excellent results, once again achieving over 70% of all grades of A*-C for A Level.  Many Sixth Form students have now left us to go on to employment, training or university at places such as Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Cambridge.  We wish our students every success in the future.

On 21 August 2014 we celebrated another year of excellent results at GCSE.  The Government’s measure of 5 A*-C GCSE grades improved on last year’s results by 3.4% against the national trend of reductions in many GCSE subjects.  We are delighted with the success of all of our students, many of whom have enrolled in our Sixth Form to continue their studies. 

We have recently learned that the City Council has changed its plans for St Julie’s Catholic High School and the current plans are being developed for a new school on the current site, overlapping the boundary on to Woolton Hill at the front of the school.  The plans are being developed by the Council and the latest information will be presented to our parents/carers at a meeting at St Julie’s on Wednesday 3 September 2014 at 6.00 pm.  I would strongly urge you to make every effort to attend the meeting to put forward your views on this latest proposal for the school.  We are continuing to work closely with the Council to ensure the students are provided with the highest quality facilities that will enable them to continue to be successful. 

Due to the interest in this proposal attendance at the meeting on Wednesday 3 September 2014 will be limited to parents/carers of students attending St Julie’s Catholic High School in the academic year 2014-2015.  As such, it will be necessary for all attendees to sign in at Reception on arrival at the school. 

We look forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students at 8.45 am on Tuesday 2 September 2014.  We will be enrolling all Sixth Form students on courses on that day from 9.00 am.  On Wednesday 3 September 2014 we welcome back all students for the start of our new academic year.  I wish to remind you that registration starts at the normal time of 8.45 am and our school day finishes at 3.15 pm. 

With kindest regards.

Yours faithfully


Mr T Alderman