
News From Our School

In The Pink for Breast Cancer Campaign

Oct 21, 2011

In The Pink for Breast Cancer Campaign

We've had a wonderful, fun filled, day today raising funds, raising awareness and showing support for Breast Cancer Campaign.

The day, which was been led by our Sixth Form Councillors, has involved a huge range of fun activities.

Under the watchful eye of Mr Radburn we've been planting bulbs for loved ones that will flower beautifully in the Spring. The planting team were met this morning by Clare Worthington, representing Breast Cancer Campaign, who was delighted to hear about all the activities that are going on.

At break time we had a huge cake sale with some beautifully crafted cakes baked by our Sixth Form. At the same time, Staff and Sixth form were able to accessorise with pink nail varnish and it proved to be quite a bold look for some brave volunteers - see the photo gallery for more!

Our visiting students from Bishop Eton primary entered into the spirit of things with gusto, and were able to donate to make badges and have their faces painted.

The whole school were able to participate in 'wear something pink', which allowed students (and staff!) to either augment their uniform with something pink or to forego uniform altogether (for a more generous donation) and wear their own pink ensemble.

We need to say a huge thank you to all of the staff and students who have taken part to make it such a fun day, and a massive congratulations to our hard working Sixth Form Council for bringing it all together.

The total raised so far stands at a massive £1,825.51! Well done everyone!

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