
News From Our School

Celebrating Success - Prize Night 2011

Sep 16, 2011

Celebrating Success - Prize Night 2011
Last night we celebrated our great achievements of the last exam season in our formal annual prize giving ceremony, with certificates presented by our Guest of Honour, Mrs Bernadette Brown.

The Sports Hall at St. Julie's was transformed into a formal presentation hall for the annual school Prize Giving ceremony.

Certificates were presented by our Guest of Honour, Independent Chair of the Liverpool Children's Safeguarding Board and former student Bernadette Brown.

Amongst our special awards this year, we were delighted to present a new category of award for consistent academic excellence to our former Year 11 students who gained 6 or more A* grades at GCSE.

The evening featured some beautiful choral recitals from our singing group.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the parents and relatives who were able to attend for this very special evening.

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