
News From Our School

Fun In The Sun!

Jul 30, 2011

Fun In The Sun!

Wavertree Athletics Centre was transformed into a performance showground in July as St. Julie's celebrated the annual Sports Day in absolutely glorious weather!

The sunshine was far from the only success story of the day as the whole school, from Years 7 through to 13, participated in an extravaganza of athletic prowess in a range of activities from the conventional to the highly unorthodox!

The tone of the day was set by the dazzling pre show entertainment with a huge range of singing and dancing, putting the emphasis firmly on fun. This didn't stop the comptetitive element being present during the events, however, with a particularly dogged determination being displayed during the closely contested staff race!

Prizes were awarded for all events, and the day was a huge success that all the staff and students enjoyed enormously. Thanks to everyone involved for making it such a fun day.

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