
News From Our School

Year 11 Studying Hard in the Holidays!

Apr 21, 2011

Year 11 Studying Hard in the Holidays!

Over 100 Year 11 pupils attended revision sessions in school over the Easter holidays and staff and pupils alike felt these were a great success. Parents have also expressed their appreciation for the time staff gave up in the holiday to support Year 11:

"I really appreciate all the calls and support with revision, it's lovely school is taking the time to do all this for Year 11."
"My daughter came in over the holidays and got a lot of work done ... she had one-to-one with some teachers and did revision lessons too."
"She really enjoyed the revision and it has helped her a lot".
"She found it very useful, she was made up."
"She found all of it really useful, it was a good time to sit and concentrate on her revision."

With only 12 school days until the first GCSE exam (English) on 16th May, every lesson and every hour of revision counts. Please continue to support your daughter by making sure she attends school every day, and any revision sessions to which she is directed.

All parents and carers of Year 11 will have received a ‘Preparing for Year 11 Exams' booklet by post the week before the holiday. This contains important information about how to support your daughter's revision, what to do on the day of the exam and also updated revision lesson timetables. If you require another copy, you can call school reception on 428 6421, and we will be happy to send you one.