
News From Our School

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Year 8 Go Cross-Channel!

Mar 30, 2011

Year 8 Go Cross-Channel!

In the second week of March, seventy nine of our Year 8 students and 10 members of staff spent 3 nights in Northern France, staying at the Chateau d'Ebblinghem near St Omer.

The trip was a great success and pupils enjoyed lots of different activities; visits to the Nausiqaa aquarium in Boulogne, a sweet factory, a bakery and a 19 century French village. One group even managed to get to Belgium!

We rounded off the trip with a final day of shopping at Cite Europe near Calais.

Whilst at the chateau, our evening activities included a disco, a quiz and a French night with snails and crepes. The crepes were very popular - not everyone thought the same about the snails!

The trip was a real success, giving pupils amazing immersive opportunities to speak French as well as hearing it in the real world, and to gain some insight into French culture and food.

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