
News From Our School

Year 8 Study Conservation at Chester Zoo

Dec 20, 2019

Year 8 Study Conservation at Chester Zoo

Year 8 pupils visited Chester Zoo as a curriculum enhancement visit to interactively learn about the importance of environmental conservation and our role in this. 

The focus was chosen to fit in with the ‘Environmental Issues’ unit pupils have studied this term, and it gave pupils an opportunity to understand more about the importance of proactively protecting the different ecosystems across the globe so that we and animals are able to live sustainably, side by side, into the future.

Pupils were able to handle illegally trafficked animal products as a part of their learning at the educational workshop, as well as visiting a whole range of animals around the zoo. Many pupils expressed how much they had enjoyed the experience and that they now understood even more about environmental conservation than they did before. This was a lovely way to finish studying Geography this term.