

Digital Mental Health Support Through CAMHs

Oct 7, 2019

XenZone, a digital mental health pioneer, has been commissioned by Liverpool NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to provide its popular Kooth mental health and emotional wellbeing support service to all 14-25-year-olds in Liverpool.

Kooth will be closely integrated with the Liverpool CAMHS Partnership (Alder Hey, Mersey Care, YPAS, MYA, PSS, Barnardos Young Carers, Bullybusters, ADHD Foundation, ADDvanced Solutions).
The service, accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), offers young people free and anonymous access to self-help materials, live moderated discussion forums, tools such an online journal and mood tracker – and the ability to contribute written pieces of work reflecting their own experiences.

Kooth also offers young people drop-in or booked online appointments with professional counsellors. Sessions are conducted via online instant messaging and are completely anonymous.

The site is available anytime; counsellors are on hand to offer support from mid-day until 10 pm on weekdays and from 6 pm until 10 pm at weekends.

Dr Fiona Lemmens, Chair of NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “We’re delighted that XenZone is launching in Liverpool. Like many other areas of the country, we have seen significant growth in demand in recent years for mental health support for children and young people – and this service is a fantastic resource which is helping to address some of that need.”

According to Elaine Bousfield, founder of XenZone, “We welcome the chance to offer mental health and wellbeing support to young people in Liverpool. I’d encourage anyone living locally who is between the ages of 14 and 25 to access Kooth with issues they’ve been experiencing for some time, or equally, for anything that seems ‘minor’ but which they’re struggling with. Kooth is anonymous and free to access – and we’re here to help.”

The website can be accessed at