
News From Our School

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Grand Designs

Sep 8, 2019

Grand Designs

Visitors to the Chapel this week may well have noticed a few extra features!

First of all, our school banner (last used at the Year of St. Julie Mass in the Cathedral) hangs near the statue of St. Julie.   Created 4 years ago by Mrs Bell and a fabulous team of Y8 students, it has finally found a home in our new building!

Then, near the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help we have a beautiful ceramic chalice, paten and ciborium donated by Sr Margaret Walsh who stepped down as Chair of Governors last term and who is sorely missed already.

Finally, a new stand for the Spirit of St. Julie baton has been fashioned by Mr Radburn and gives due prominence to this unique artefact which is passed round all Y7 students every year as a sign that they have accepted the challenge to pick up and pass on the spirit of the St. Julie – the Smiling Saint – and the Sisters of Notre Dame who founded our school.   On that note, we’ve another big anniversary coming up next year, so watch this space for further details!