
News From Our School

Happy Birthday St. Julie!

Jul 12, 2019

Happy Birthday St. Julie!

We had a day of glorious celebration today, albeit with slightly mixed emotions, as Sister Margaret joined the rest of the school community to celebrate St. Julie's birthday.

All students joined staff and governors as we gathered in the Peace Garden for the ceremonial opening of our newly constructed bell tower. Our joy was tinged with a little sadness as the opening was to be among the final official duties of our Chair of Governors before stepping away from the position.

The ceremony incorporated words from staff and students as we reflected on the life of our Founder and the joy she found in the Good God. We even channeled St. Julie's indefatigable optimism as we prayed for a break in the weather during the rain soaked day, and our prayers were answered as the clouds parted in perfect timing to allow a breathtaking dance to safely take place.

In the most poignant part of the ceremony, Sister Margaret held a baton symbolising the spirit of St. Julie, and asked us to "take it, reflect on what it stands for, and pass it on through the generations so all might know the goodness of God." The baton was then handed to Miss McKean, a former pupil, and then on to a member of each Year Group before all the baton holders processed to the Chapel where, in solitude away from the crowd, they made a solemn prayer reflecting the gravity of the task they are undertaking.

Shortly after this, Sister Margaret was invited to take the scissors and cut the golden ribbon marking the bell tower open. She did this to great cheers, and then became the first to toll the bell.

The Chair of Governors plays a vital role in the operation of every school, but all too often in the eyes of students they can be mysterious, even slightly scary figures whose role isn't understood very well. This has never been the case with Sister Margaret, who is a welcome and familiar presence in our school, known to all of the students. If the cordiality of our students and the warmth of their greetings (sometimes through open windows!) were not enough, we hope that the cheers at today's celebration left Sister Margaret in absolutely no doubt of the trust, respect, affection and high regard she inspires in our students. We offer our sincere gratitude and warmest wishes for her long and happy future.

The ceremony is available in full in the video below, and lasts for only twenty minutes or so. We'd be honoured if you'd take the time to watch it.