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Founders Day Services

Feb 3, 2011

Founders Day Services

The whole school celebrated Founders Day with a series of very poignant services centred around Candlemas.

It was on this date in 1804 St. Julie and her friend, Francoise, made their vows and founded the Order of Sisters of Notre Dame. They vowed to bring hope and reach out to the poor and the vulnerable.

Notre Dame schools throughout the world will celebrate in some way the beginning of the Order of the Sisters of Notre Dame.

But why did they choose this date?

February 2nd is known as Candlemas or the Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

Candlemas focuses on Jesus' early life. Christians believe that Jesus' mother Mary presented him to God at the Temple in Jerusalem 40 days after his birth.

But why Candlemas?

According to Luke's gospel, a Jewish man named Simeon held the baby Jesus in his arms and said that He would be a light for the Gentiles. It is for this reason that candles are lit and this event is called Candlemas. Jesus is the "Light of the world".

Prior to our service, all staff and pupils were asked for the names of a child they wanted to pray for, and to put the name on a card. During the service, the cards were presented to the altar for us to pray for them.

Some of the cards were for children who are sick or needy, and some for children sadly no longer with us. Many cards though were for prayers of thanks of children who are part of our lives every day.

As year group representatives made their presentation, a candle was lit for each year group. These candles will be kept and used in assemblies throughout the year.

Mr Alderman lit a candle for all of the pupils in the school.