
News From Our School

Mental Health Day 1: Well-being

May 14, 2019

Mental Health Day 1: Well-being

As it is Mental Health Awareness week, there will be a difference performance each day at lunch time, each focusing on a difference part of mental health.

Today our ltalented Year 9 student, Grace, performed her original song 'Crystal'. This fitted perfectly with today's theme of positive well-being. The song looks at how people take comfort in healing crystals and how the crystals can change your way of thinking, supporting a more positive outlook on life and situations. You can watch a short clip on Grace performing below.

Students were set the task to go home and do one thing they enjoy to promote positive well-being. Whether that is walking the dog, an evening without social media, putting on a face mask, watching your favourite show with a chocolate bar or meeting up with friends. What will you do to help support with positive well-being?