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Sixth Form raises £328.60 for Alder Hey Hospital!

Mar 5, 2019

Sixth Form raises £328.60 for Alder Hey Hospital!

The end of February half term brought a fun filled morning to our sixth-form community with students of year 12 and 13 taking part in a charity bingo for Alder Hey Hospital. The students had a great time filled with laughter and excitement as the they competed to win prizes ranging from chocolates to a £60 pamper session in the Body Shop. 

But the fun didn’t end there! 

The bingo was followed by a raffle for both sixth form and younger years as well as a cake sale, ultimately raising £328.60 for the cause. 

Our Head Girl, Bridie Nesbitt-Scott, was quick to praise the team behind the event: "Well done to our winners and a massive thank you to 1804 for organising the event, Mr Cooban for supporting them, and those who donated prizes for our bingo and raffle: The Body Shop, Coast Woolton, and Leah Dagnall.  Without you all this event could not have taken place."