Year 8 Options for 24/25

Remembering Sister Dorothy

Feb 12, 2019

Remembering Sister Dorothy

12th February marked the 14th anniversary of the death of Sr Dorothy Stang, SND - who is very important to our school.  Our Performing Arts Theatre is named after her as is Dorothy House - which happens to be our champion house at present.

At lunchtime, we held a service reflecting on this remarkable human being.  Sr. Dorothy worked with the indigenous people of the Amazonian rainforest in Brazil and was a great friend and champion in protecting them and their rights against the influx of wealthy companies and illegal loggers who were affecting their habitat and lifestyle.   She was such a champion that her opponents decided she had to be killed.   On 12th February, 2005 (which is within the lifetime of our own Y10 students and above), Sr Dorothy was walking to a meeting in the forest when she was approached by some men.   She may have suspected what was about to happen and started to read the Beatitudes from the Bible (Matthew 5:1-12).   She never finished the passage as six bullets rang out killing her.  

In our service, we joined together in reading the whole passage out, finishing her words.  We then prayed in song for her family, her friends, the Sisters of Notre Dame who knew her, the people in Brazil she served and ourselves, that we might have courageous hearts as wide as the world.

Our service closed with our putting leaves on our Dorothy Tree as a symbol of our willingness to follow her example of courage, compassion and determination.

Thanks to all who attended - especially students from 7 Dorothy and Overwhelm.