
News From Our School

First Friday Goes Gold!

Jan 11, 2019

First Friday Goes Gold!

Friday, 11th January marked a special day in the life of our school.

Following on from an old Catholic tradition, on the first Friday of every month, members of our school community gather bright and early - before the start of the school day – to pray.  We do this in song, singing an old hymn and then a new hymn.   The First Friday band featuring Overwhelm and some staff musicians take the lead.

This first event of 2019 marked the 50th such occasion and was very well attended!

The old hymn was City of God - written in 1981 by an American composer, Dan Schutte.  The new hymn was Together on the Road - which was very new indeed, receiving its first airing.  This is inspired by the theme of the Archdiocesan Synod 2020.  Maybe you'll hear more of it in coming months.

This event also set us up nicely for this special year which marks 50 years since Julie Billiart became St. Julie!  

2019 – the Year of the Saint – promises to be a wonderful year and we’ll keep you informed about the various activities!  Happy New Year!