

Small Talk Saves Lives

Nov 23, 2018

Samaritans have launched a new campaign and video called 'Small talk saves lives'. The campaign has been produced in partnership with Network Rail, British Transport Police and the wider rail industry. Samaritans says, 'if you see someone you think might need help, trust your instincts and start a conversation. You could help save a life'.

British Transport Police data shows that in 2016/17, there were 6 potentially life-saving interventions made for every suicide/suspected suicide on the railway. Engaging someone in such circumstances might be all it takes to interrupt someone's suicidal thoughts and start them on a journey to recovery.

Upset or distressed people can be found in many different places, not only by the railway, and the same strategy might be important. There is no evidence that intervening when someone is at risk will make the situation worse. And there’s no perfect way to make an intervention, we just have to do our best. 

If it’s not safe to make an approach or you don’t feel comfortable then speak to a passer-by, call 999. You could help save a life.

For further information and to watch the video, go to: