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History Students Explore Medicine Through The Ages

Oct 19, 2018

History Students Explore Medicine Through The Ages

As part of their GCSE course, students in Year 11 study 'Health and the People', further studying medicine and surgery over 1000 years in Britain as their Breadth Study.

They have used a visit to the Thackray Museum in Leeds to further investigate the topic and gain extra understanding of how medicine has changed through time. In particular they focused on surgery through time by attending a workshop called ‘pain, pus and blood’ which was delivered by a subject expert to enhance the learning of Year 11. 

Year 13 students study 'Poverty and Public Health in Britain' in their A Level course, so the museum was helpful in gleaning a broad view, and they also took advantage of a specialist talk called ‘Public Health Reforms in 19th Century Leeds’ which enhanced their understanding of the unit which requires detailed comprehension and analysis of public health reform in Britain. 

The visit was incredibly useful and enjoyed by all!