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Doki Doki Online Game

Jun 19, 2018

The Safeguarding Team at St Julie’s recently received information from a Coroner who is conducting an Inquest into the death by suicide of a 15 year old boy in the Bury area, earlier this year.

Evidence obtained by the Coroner suggests he had used an online game called DOKI DOKI, which is known to NSPCC online safety officers.

The police investigation into the death uncovered the following information. Whilst we do not necessarily advise that you share this with you child, it is important that you remain vigilant in monitoring all of your child’s online activity across any devices to which they have access.

 “ Doki Doki, also known as Doki Doki Literature Club, was developed in 2017. It does warn it is not suitable for children, however the graphics etc are clearly aimed at young people.  It was launched in August 2017.  It was downloaded over 2 million times in the first 4 months.

In essence the story plot seems to be that a male character joins a literature club and interacts with female members. There are alternative endings depending on choices made during the course of the game.  The story plot uncovers suicidal thoughts the members have.  The multiple outcomes follow things such as mental health issues (voices in their head), self-harming, suicide and violent scenes such as one of the player’s neck snapping.  All of this then links the reader back to an outcome whereby you are made to think the game has taken control of your computer and you have to continue playing. 

Some outcomes lead you to consider what you could have done to prevent one of the characters deaths.  One even shows you messages from the players who have passed away saying “now you can all be happy I am gone”.  This is a psychological horror game with suicide as a main feature

This game is free of charge but an upgraded version can be purchased for £10 to unlock extra content.

NSPCC have reviewed information from their Childline Counsellor Facts notes since April 2017.  Two counselling sessions had made notes with regards to Doki Doki – these were in November 2017 and January 2018.  One talked about a friend playing the game.  It was noted the game can trigger emotional responses. The other session noted the young person had been playing it and their favourite character had committed suicide – the young person was thinking about ending their life the same way.”