
News From Our School

Older notices are available in the parent section.

St Julie’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

End Period Poverty Campaign

Mar 21, 2018

End Period Poverty Campaign

During puberty, 56% of girls lose confidence. Girls are more likely to blame themselves when something goes wrong, apologise when they give their opinion, over-think decisions and dwell on mistakes. At St. Julie’s Catholic High School, we want to equip your daughter with the tools she needs to combat the confidence gap and show the world that doing things #LikeAGirl is amazing.

To support your daughter, with her health and confidence, we will be providing each female member of staff, across the school, with a ‘Well Being’ box. Each box will contain: free sanitary products; breakfast bars; hair bobbles; stationery; spare tights and underwear. If your daughter requires any of the free products she can ask any female member of staff. This will be dealt with discreetly and without fear of embarrassment.

For further details and useful links, please see this letter recently circulated to parents by Mrs McCourt.