
News From Our School

World Book Day

Mar 1, 2018

World Book Day

Today at St Julie's we celebrated World Book Day!  Pupils and staff alike enjoyed lots of book-based activities, such as DEAR (drop everything and read), literary quizzes; competions; lessons on their teachers favourite childhood reads; a cake sale and a staff cake raffle!  

A big thank you goes out to the students for their enthusiasm and participation and to staff for sharing their love of reading.  A reminder goes out to pupils who completed a quiz to return it on Friday to go into the prize draw to win a SIGNED copy of Phillip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials'  trilogy! 

Finally, Gabriella in year 8 and her Mum made a beautiful World Book Day themed cake, which was raffled off to staff.  Congratulations Mr Anderson! 

Along with the Reading Ambassadors' Cake Sale, all proceeds raised will go to Alder Hey Children's Hospital.