
News From Our School

Presenting at HE+

Feb 20, 2018

Presenting at HE+

Over the last few months, some of our most talented and able Year 12 students have been meeting with other Sixth Formers from across the city in a project called HE+.  This project is about preparing students for life at university and at raising aspiration. 

Students from each institution had been separated and put into groups so they had to demonstrate resilience and the ability to co-operate with others.  Each group decided on a topic for research and then had to work together to devise a 10 minute exploration of that topic.  Topics included aspects of medicine, mathematics, science, literature, psychology and criminology!

The culmination of the first part of the project was an event held at Edge Hill University on the evening of 8th February when groups delivered their presentations.  It was a superb and challenging event and our students: Emily, Leah, Lizzy, Katherine, Amber and Emily acquitted themselves extremely well, receiving fulsome praise from the audience.

One forthcoming aspect of the HE+ project is a residential event at Cambridge University and we look forward to our students participating.