
News From Our School

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Staff Get On Their Bikes!

May 3, 2017

Staff Get On Their Bikes!

On the last day of the Lent term, five cyclists set out on a journey - to pedal from St. Julie’s to our sister school, Notre Dame, Sheffield!

The plan followed on from our visit last year when we handed over the Year of St. Julie baton as it started its international journey.

This growing relationship coincided with the anniversary of the death of St. Julie on the 8th April and was also an opportunity to raise money for The Stroke Association.

It turned out to be a very exciting and challenging adventure.  Some of the hills were …. well…. hilly and aching limbs were tested.  However, Messrs Costello, Willis, Radburn, Anderson and McKean (Miss McKean’s dad!) survived the first day of 60 miles before enjoying a sumptuous meal in Holmfirth – which is Last of the Summer Wine country.

On Day 2, they struck out on the last 35-40 miles towards destination Sheffield.  Now, Sheffield is a busy (and hilly city) and three members of staff from ND Sheffield cycled to meet the St. Julie’s contingent on the outskirts.  The rendezvous was successful and the combined peloton of St. Julie’s and ND Sheffield safely navigated their way to the school where a wonderful welcome was extended.

A plaque was handed over commemorating the occasion and on the journey home (by minibus) the weary quintet stopped at the memorial to the 96 at Hillsborough to reflect on that terrible event in the life of this great city.

As regards fundraising – over £1500 was raised - and friendships were strengthened.  Thanks to all who supported and encouraged.

It was a most memorable trip and plans are afoot for further expeditions!