
News From Our School

CAFOD Lenten Fast Day

Mar 10, 2017

CAFOD Lenten Fast Day

On Friday, 10th March, 2017, approximately 60 students and staff marked CAFOD Lenten Fast Day by fasting for 24 hours.  The particular focus was on the people who are suffering in the largely forgotten war in Yemen where up to 7 million people are facing a food crisis.

Participants signed a "wall of solidarity" with these people and the main aim was to develop a greater understanding of what it feels like to be hungry.  We realise the discomfort we felt was only a small proportion of that experienced by those who face uncertainty over when they will eat again.

On the same day, a cake sale was held to raise funds for this cause and participants in the fast were encouraged to buy a cake for a friend.  That sale, run by Reham and her Year 10 friends raised £98.08!