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Scholars' Programme Launches

Feb 16, 2017

Scholars' Programme Launches

Parents, staff, students, governors and invited guests have joined together at Hope University to celebrate the launch of the St. Julie's Scholars' Programme.

The launch began with a performance from our school choir, before the keynote address from Professor Gerald Pillay, Vice Chancellor of Liverpool Hope University, who spoke warmly of the common Notre Dame foundations that our educational establishments are built on.

We were delighted to welcome back former student Beth Comer who gave an inspiring account of how she had made the most of all of the opportunities that she was offered at St. Julie's and how it contributed to the development of her career in teaching. Beth then introduced Niamh Fowler, who presented via video.

Curriculum Leaders for English and Maths, Miss Sarson and Miss Lee, then spoke about strategies the departments are employing to ensure that our most able students are stretched and challenged, before current student Megan Lester told us of her positive experiences studying at our school.

Mrs McCourt gave a detailed description of the plans put in place for the Scholars' Programme including STEM activities, our partnerships with Lloyds Banking Group and our exciting plans with the Brilliant Club.

Mr Alderman closed our launch with a final address before the School Choir again took to the stage with a performance of 'Halo'.

Thank you to all the guests who came along to join us, and we're looking forward to bringing your more updates throughout the year.