

PSHE Day Summary

Jan 9, 2017

PSHE Day – Advent Term

All Year Groups received a variety of ‘safe messages’ on our first PSHE Day of the year, with Years 7-10 attending a powerful drama piece – written and produced by our own Performing Arts Department – that highlighted the issue of domestic violence.  The common theme across Years 7 – 11 was self-esteem and the following information gives a quick taste of some of the activities.

Year 7

Pupils were guided as to where they could go if they or another pupil ever needed to disclose a problem or was in need of help. The importance of real friendships and being there for each other were also outlined. The lessons delivered by teachers stressed the importance of the girls realising how social media can present images that do not represent real life. It was demonstrated that imperfections are OK and perfectly normal. The girls embraced their strengths and their weaknesses during the lessons and hopefully built a stronger relationship with their tutors.

Year 8

Year 8 competed self-esteem profiles to find out what their own self-image was like and how confident they were about themselves, as well as taking part in team building activities focusing on overcoming problems by working with others for support. They also took part in some meditation which highlighted the importance of having time to reflect on yourself and your own self-worth. They also looked at airbrushing and false self-images in adverts and in the media which can have a negative impact on what young people aspire to look like.

Year 9

Year 9 addressed the issue of self-esteem through a focus on using positivity and looking at each other’s talents. They gained a greater awareness of how having low self-esteem can affect the safety of a pupil as it can lead to mental health concerns, such as self-harm.

Year 11

The aim of the day was to give the pupils confidence in many aspects of their lives and equip them will all the information required to make their own informed decisions.

The year group had a variety of activities to participate in during the day.  The girls had a make-up demonstration, showing them how to achieve a natural look and this was followed up with a session on why girls wear make-up and the issues that may go on behind it. They also enjoyed a lesson in self-defence, giving them techniques for looking after themselves.  Important issues of drugs were addressed to provide all the information on emerging substances that may be accessible by young people of this age.  The final theme looked at by the year 11 group was sexual consent and empowering the girls to make their own decisions. 

Year 12 and 13

KS5 students participated in a half day 'BiteSize' Brook event, which enabled both information and active participation activities. Students worked in teams of 10-12 and rotated around a number of themed learning zones. The focus was very much on delivering accurate information whilst expanding knowledge around the key themes such as: sex and the law, contraception, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), condom use, sexuality, gender and body image. Brook's educators guided pupils through each of the interactive learning zones which had been designed to provoke discussion and debate on issues young people face every day. Feedback from Brook and the students was very positive.