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Children Missing from Home Care and Education

Jul 12, 2016

The LSCB has a Missing from Home Strategy and the partners of Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) have adopted the definition of missing and absent as determined by ACPO below:

Missing - “Anyone whose whereabouts cannot be established and where the circumstances are out of character or the context suggests the person may be subject of crime or at risk of harm to themselves or another.”

Absent – “A person not at a place where they are expected or required to be.”

The `absent’ category should comprise cases in which people are not presently where they are supposed to be and there is no apparent risk

Police classification of a child as missing or absent will be based on an on-going risk assessment. All children under 13 years of age will automatically be classed as missing. 

Management of missing and absent children in Liverpool:

The LSCB CSE sub group chaired by the Director of Children’s Services has strategic oversight of  the partnership response to missing and absent children.  A missing operational group is held on a monthly basis to review high risk missing children:

-       All missing young people age 13 and under

-       High risk missing cases as categorised by the police at the time of the episode

-       Repeat missing cases – those who have been missing or absent more than once the previous month

-       Children who have been missing for 4 weeks or longer

-       LAC from other Local Authorities placed in Liverpool

-       Liverpool LAC placed out of area