
News From Our School

Founders Day Celebration

Mar 30, 2016

Founders Day Celebration

Our school community has enjoyed a very special Founders Day Celebration at the Cathedral as we mark 200 years of the legacy of St. Julie.

With the aid of a string of buses the whole school assembled on the steps of the Cathedral for a photograph before being led inside by members of our 1804 Society carrying flags and banners celebrating our school life.

Once inside we joined guests including governors and a wonderful group of Sisters of Notre Dame who had joined us for the occasion.

Our celebration featured prayer, reflection, song and dance and explored what the work of St. Julie has really meant for us and the true global extent of her legacy.

Our family ties were celebrated in video messages of glad tidings from Notre Dame sister schools across the country, and our heritage was honoured was in a poignant baton passing procession, combining video appearances from a number of Sisters sharing when they first picked up the baton of St. Julie's work, right through to the youngest student in our school who spoke with pride and confidence about how she will continue to carry the baton.

With readings and speeches from many students, staff, our Chair of Governors and our Headteacher our celebration echoed all the way through our school community.

We'd like to thank all of the staff and students who have worked hard in preparation, the Sisters who were able to come and join us, everybody who appeared in one of the videos, Mr Anderson for his work in devising the ceremony, everybody at the Metropolitan Cathedral for their patience and support, and Mr Dickinson and our friends at Archbishop Beck for their generous loan of equipment.

If you'd like to see more from our celebration we've got the entire ceremony available for you to watch below!