

Healthier use of Technology

Jan 11, 2016

Action for Children’s latest research has found that nearly a quarter of parents struggle to get their children to “unplug” and take part in activities away from television, phone and computer screens. Their findings can be viewed by clicking the following link:

They give 5 'Top Tips' for parents to help ensure healthier use of technology by all the family:

1. Plan fun activities for the whole family that don’t involve technology.

2. Create a balance between technology use and other activities by creating a weekly schedule on the principle of an hour of 'energy in' (technology use) equalling an hour of 'energy out' (other activities).

3. Tap into your own experience: when you were a child, what was your favourite game to play? Share these with your children.

4. Identify the challenges your children enjoy in the video games they play and replicate them. Do they like games about sport? Encourage them to play the real deal in the park or go as a family to a local match. Are their favourite games puzzles or brain-teasers? Organise a board game night.

5. Practice what you preach: when your children are having screen-free time, turn off your devices too. Don’t waste the opportunity!

A family agreement is a great way to start a conversation with your whole family about how you all use the internet and discuss together how to behave in a positive way when online at home, at school or at a friends house. 

Click on the link below to access free resources to help you to create a family agreement

Finally, the London School of Economic has published research into what parents need to know about the latest trends in children's internet usage. The findings can be viewed by clicking the following link: