News From Our School

A Watchful Presence

May 10, 2019

A Watchful Presence

Last year, our Year 11 students requested that the statue of St. Julie (which lives in our Notre Dame Chapel) be brought down to the Sports Hall while they were doing their GCSE Exams.  It was a reminder that St. Julie watches over them and was a focal point for their prayer during moments in exams when they maybe needed some calm and clarity of thinking.

So, today - in anticipation of the GCSE Exams which start in earnest on Monday, some of our 6th Formers carried the statue of St. Julie and its plinth to the Sports Hall as an act of service to the year group who follow them.

We hope this will give comfort and re-assurance to all sitting exams and we assure them they will be in the prayers of everyone in this Catholic learning community.

Each exam will also start with our Exam Prayer - which you can find on our Prayer Wall  and below: