News From Our School

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Year 10 Drama Students Hit Hard In Practical
Apr 3, 2019

Congratulations to our year 10 Drama students who have entertained packed audiences over the past 2 nights.

They have devised and delivered outstanding performances on hard hitting topics as part of their GCSE course, which they have performed to a live audience in the Dorothy Stang Theatre.

We are very proud of their team work, dedication and commitment to studies. We're already looking forward to the exam performances next year!

Year 7 Bring Savannah To Life
Apr 3, 2019

Year 7 Performing Arts students have been getting creative this week for their Lion King themed Musical Theatre assessments.

Taking inspiration from the live theatrical production, students have created expressive masks to represent their roles. Well done to all of Year 7 for hard work and creative effort!

Primary PGCE Students Check Out &#039;Big School&#039;!
Apr 3, 2019

On Friday 29 April we welcomed 25 Liverpool Hope University Primary PGCE students to St. Julie's Catholic High School.

The day provided an insight into the KS2 to KS3 transition programme and the importance of knowing each individual student before they arrive in Year 7.

Students sat in on a number of different lessons to experience the secondary setting and received transition training in the afternoon.

It was a real pleasure to welcome the students into our school and we wish them all every success with their future teaching careers.

Now Festival Performance Goes Live
Apr 2, 2019

HD Video of the St. Julie's performance of 'Remember Me' which won best overall acting at the 2019 Now Festival is now live.

The piece explored adverse childhood experiences, and this performance also won 'best performance of the night' and overall second place in the festival.

You can enjoy the piece here.

Dancers Polish Stagecraft in Artspool Workshop
Apr 2, 2019

Today our Year 10 and 11 GCSE Dance students took part in an Artspool workshop lead by the brilliant Heather Worrall.

The workshop focused on all aspects of the written paper. The sessions allowed the students to revisit prior knowledge and apply it to apply it to exam style questions.

They even got to build the set, costume and lighting designs for each work in a fun and interactive approach to learning.

Thank you to Artspool!

Year 8 Explore Couture in Spanish
Apr 2, 2019

Students in Year 8 have completed their unit of Spanish work on clothing in style!

The linguists researched designs on Spanish retailer Zara's website, designed and made their dresses using bin bags and then rounded it off with a catwalk parade with Spanish commentary. 

The results were amazing - well done to the students for their hard and creative work!

Year 9 Coders Bring Home A Drone!
Mar 31, 2019

On Friday 29th March, Miss Gore took 4 year 9 students attended a Computer Science Coding Challenge day where they participated in a range of activities using a drone and sphero.

The students had to use their problem solving and computational thinking skills to work out how to code and complete the challenges.

St Julie's students came out on top and came 1st out of ten schools by completing the most challenges! The girls came away with a drone for their Computer Science.

An overall huge congratulations to the girls who has also had a fantastic and exciting day!

Year 7 Dance for Chance!
Mar 31, 2019

A troupe of 26 of our Year 7 dancers have performed an audition piece to camera for consideration by professional dancer Darcey Bussell.

The prize is a performance slot at St. George's Hall and the students had to perform a dance routine that had been selected for our school. The students showed great enthusiasm and brought in very colourful costumes to enhance the upbeat feel of the dance.

Please wish our Year 7 dancers good luck!

St Julie&#039;s Celebrates Foundation Day
Mar 28, 2019

Students in Years 7 and 8 were joined today by staff, governors and invited guests in a celebration of Foundation Day. 

Our celebration started in beautiful spring sunshine in the Peace Garden, where among the olive trees the peace bell was tolled and our Head Girl, Bridie, raised the flag proclaiming 2019 as 'The Year of the Saint'.

With the flag fluttering in the breeze, we retreated to the shade of the Sports Hall for a celebration of the Notre Dame story led by Mr Anderson, and featuring a dazzling parade of flags representing the nations in which the Sisters of Notre Dame teach.

We were honoured to welcome back Sister Mary O'Brien, the first headteacher of St. Julie's, who led us in a challenge to live Saintly lives. As always, we rounded off our celebration with some vigorous singing!

Thank you to all of the staff and students who worked hard in preparation for this event - your efforts were very much appreciated.

KS3 Dancers Are A Work Of Art
Mar 28, 2019

On Thursday evening 16 students from years 7-9 took part in MDI's 'Works of Art' performance evening.

The students performed a piece based on the display of 226 shoes at St George's Hall. Each pair of shoes represented a child that had taken their own life last year.

The performance was delivered beautifully. The dance ended with the audience sat in silence as they took in the message of the piece.

Students also got the opportunity to meet a professional dancer from Artificial Things, a work that the girls study as part of their GCSE Dance course. A great night all round! Mrs Heeley wants to thank the girls who performed for conveying such a sensitive subject with great maturity and professionalism.

Megan Is Now Mary!
Mar 28, 2019

Congratulations to former student Megan Wade who has blown into Disneyland Paris on a wind from the east, as Mary Poppins!

We’re looking forward to going to see her!

Taking a Bow at Prize Night
Mar 28, 2019

Cheers abounded as we celebrated our achievements from the last 12 months at our annual awards ceremony!

With some sterling work from our premises team, our Sports Hall was transformed from a 200 seat examination hall into a 450 seat celebratory space, before Sister Margaret, our Chair of Governors, welcomed guests to begin proceedings.

The presentation of awards, which represented all year groups in our school, were interspersed with live entertainment including Ellin singing 'Human', Anna and Evie singing Delibes' 'Flower Duet' and a high energy dance performance to 'This Is Me'. Guests were also invited to join songs backed by our live band of staff and students.

It is always a delight to welcome back many of our former students, lots of whom make the return trip from their university towns, and this year was no exception with lots of familiar faces at the presentation of Year 13 subject awards.

In true BAFTA style, some recipients were unable to attend due to prior commitments (such as University residentials!) and so we had some video messages of thanks, including from one of the recipients of our most prestigious awards, the Spirit of St Julie Award which this year was awarded to Katie in Year 11 and Bridie in Year 13.

After receiving her award, we then called upon Bridie to formally close the evening before Mr Anderson led all those present in some very enthusastic singing!

Overwhelm At OLA
Mar 25, 2019

Overwhelm, the school’s music ministry team, are regular visitors to Our Lady of the Assumption Parish and were delighted to join the parishioners and pupils from St. Gregory’s Primary School once more this weekend.

During the Mass for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, Overwhelm played and sang really well, mixing some old favourites like Shine, Jesus, Shine with a new setting of the psalm of the day.

Father Stephen did a rather splendid magic trick in his sermon with a tube and coloured cloths which blew everyone’s mind as he explained how Lent, Holy Week and Easter are connected.

Overwhelm took the opportunity to present a freshly commissioned statue of St. Julie to the parish community in recognition of the Golden Anniversary of the canonisation of St. Julie.

In a wonderful coincidence, a visiting member of the congregation came up afterwards to say that she had actually been in St. Peter’s in Rome for the canonisation on Friday, 22nd June, 1969!

Watch out for more news about this special Year of the Saint on this website.

Awards Rush At Wirral Festival
Mar 25, 2019

St. Julie's performers have had a fantastic weekend at the Wirral Music Festival with both group and individual wins.

The day started with an early cheer as Katie in Year 8 took 4th place in the piano solos category against a field of many older students. Anna and Evie took the first win of the day in the vocal duet category with their performance of Delibes' 'Flower Duet'.

Anna won the musical theatre category in a field of 18 entrants, singing 'Pulled' from the Addams Family musical. The joint choir then placed third in the open choir category with only 2 points separating the top three places. The senior choir came first in the chamber choir category with a score of 86 points. 

Ellen in Year 8 and Evie in Year 7 competed in the pop vocals category, receiving some excellent feedback from the adjudicator. Isobel took 4th place in the open musical theatre category against a giant field of 35. Our songwriters also performed strongly with Amber, Grace and Taylor taking 2nd, 3rd and 4th places respectively in the songwriting category.

Congratulations to all of the performers.

WhatUni? WhatCareer? Live! Exhibition
Mar 22, 2019

Today Year 12 students ventured to the Exhibition Centre Liverpool to find out more about their futures. The visit enabled students to see what options are available to them; whether that be an apprenticeship; traineeship or university.

Students have talked to a range of advisors from many exciting and diverse career sectors ranging from Amazon and DeLoitte to the NHS and Unilever.

Additionally, they have attended presentations delivered by the University of Liverpool, Newcastle, Queens Belfast and UCL to name but a few. They also had the option to attend the CV surgery for important CV writing guidance.

Stepping Up To Showcase Dance!
Mar 21, 2019

Last night over 75 students performed in our Dance Showcase to a sold out audience. The evening was filled with joy, fun and emotion! 

The audience were overwhelmed with the talent, dedication and professionalism of our wonderful performers. 

Mrs Heeley was quick to thank all of the students who performed: "I am very proud of each and everyone of you for getting up and performing with such confidence. You were all amazing and I was overwhelmed by the passion and enthusiasm that was displayed, by all, who performed.'

We can't wait for the next one, but until then you can enjoy this week's performance in full in the video below!